Our Guarantee


At Human Power Services Co., Ltd., we are dedicated to being your bridge to a world of international career opportunities. Our guarantee is a testament to our commitment to your success, ensuring a seamless journey towards your aspirations. Here’s what you can expect when you choose us:

Comprehensive Placement:

We understand that your career path is unique. Our personalized approach ensures that your skills, experience, and preferences are matched with the perfect international job placement, maximizing your potential for growth and fulfillment.

Verified Employers

Your safety and well-being are paramount. We rigorously vet potential employers and job openings to ensure they meet legal, ethical, and professional standards. Rest assured that the opportunities we provide are reputable and trustworthy.

Empowerment Through Knowledge

Navigating an international job market can be daunting. We empower you with knowledge about destination countries, work cultures, and legal requirements, ensuring you’re well-prepared for your exciting new chapter.

Holistic Support

From application to placement, our team offers unwavering support. We provide guidance on documentation, interview preparation, and cultural adaptation, ensuring a smooth transition and a positive overseas experience.

Ethical Practices

We uphold the highest ethical standards in recruitment. Your rights and dignity are our priorities, and we collaborate with overseas partners who share our commitment to fair treatment, ethical employment, and respect for human rights.

Clear Communication

Transparency is the cornerstone of our relationship with you. We keep you informed at every step, providing timely updates, addressing your concerns, and maintaining open channels of communication.

Continuous Growth

Your success doesn’t end with placement. We encourage your ongoing professional growth and well-being. Share your experiences with us, and we’ll use your feedback to continually enhance our services.


Partnering with Human Power Services Co., Ltd. ensures access to a pool of talented and motivated individuals ready to contribute to your business success. Here’s how our guarantee benefits you:

Qualified Candidates

We source and present highly qualified candidates who match your specific job requirements. Our thorough selection process ensures that you receive resumes of individuals who are skilled, experienced, and aligned with your needs.

Efficiency and Expertise

Save time and resources with our efficient recruitment process. Our team specializes in finding the right talent for your organization, streamlining the hiring process and delivering results promptly.

Ethical Recruitment

We share your commitment to ethical employment practices. Our candidates are treated with respect, and we ensure that they are informed about their roles, rights, and responsibilities before placement.


Our transparent communication keeps you informed about candidates, their backgrounds, and the placement process. You can trust that the information you receive is accurate and reliable.

Tailored Solutions

We understand that each organization has unique staffing needs. Our customized approach means that we take into account your company’s culture and requirements to find the best-fit candidates.

Ongoing Support:

Our partnership doesn’t end with placement. We maintain contact to ensure both you and the candidates are satisfied with the arrangement. Your success is our success, and we’re committed to fostering long-lasting relationships.
At Human Power Services Co., Ltd., our guarantee extends to both local job seekers and potential foreign employers. Your goals are our priorities, and we’re here to facilitate a journey of mutual growth, success, and fulfillment.